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- Large Print Books
- Books on Tape and CD
- Videos and DVD’s
- Periodicals
- Copies, Laminating and Die Cut machines
- Fax
- Notary
- Income Tax Forms
- Summer Program
- First Grade Bookworm In February
- Book Drop (Macon and Elwin)
- Paperback Book Trade
- Jigsaw Puzzles
- Meeting Room Rental
- Public Computers with internet access
- WiFi on 24/7 available in parking lot
- Interlibrary Loan
- Reciprocal Borrowing
- Library On The Go (E-Books)
- Ladies Nights/Craft
- Annual Children’s Christmas Ornaments in November
- SHARE OPAC with over 3 million items available
- In partnership with Macon Township Seniors to collect plastic caps for benches